Roam At Dawn

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Getting started...

This is not the first blog I've ever worked on. I've had two failed attempts previously. The first was part of a uni journalism assignment. My group had decided to have a fashion themed blog and write fabulous articles about style and the creators of style. Although it was very exciting for half a minute, the momentum died down and so did my contributions to that blog. My second venture in blogging started again with the same excitement. I was about to set of on a three month backpacking trip around Europe and the US and was going share my amazing adventures on my blog for everyone to envy. Again, it started well, but by week two of my trip I was far more drawn to living my adventures than documenting them. I studied journalism, and always fantasized about being a sucessful writer but after my trip overseas nothing seemed quite as exhilarating as exploring new cities and cultures. And then my brain joined these two ideas together and I decided my preferred career would be 'Travel Writer'. I'm not alone in this, I'm sure. After doing some research into this seemingly ideal career I hit a bit of a reality check. Not only does travel writing offer limited job prospects, it is also highly unprofitable and unstable (as a lot of travel writers must work as freelancers rather than having staff jobs). Given this information, I've decided to give my career in journalism a real try and hopefully make some contacts and work towards my dream career of travel writing. As reading and writing are the best ways to improve as a writer and as I already have the reading underway, it seemed only natural that I get back into the writing. And what better way to do that than by going back to the medium I have consistently given up on and finally coming good. I have faith in myself this time around and I hope I can keep it up, improve my writing and keep anyone who's interested enough to follow my journey entertained with my silly shenanigans :)

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